What’s in your FAB 50 Vocabulary?
They are all around and have so much power. They can have a positive or a negative influence. They can calm or infuse a situation. They can bring us comfort or pain. If you have not figured it out yet, I am talking about our words. When put into action, they have power that can impact us as we read, speak, and listen.
I was recently watching an Oprah Lifeclass segment with Joel Osteen that focused on two simple words – “I am”. In the class, Joel spoke about a sermon in which he said what comes looking for you is what follows the “I am”. He spoke about the power of our words and it reminded me of the scripture from Proverbs 18:21 which reads “The tongue has the power of life and death, and those who love it will eat its fruits”.
As I started to think about the thousands and thousands of words in our English dictionary, I challenged myself to find my “Fab 50” words to follow “I am”. I made a commitment to speak these words daily into my life as these are the things that I want to come looking for me. Here is my new “Fab 50” vocabulary, spend some time and think about yours, then share them with us at the New Face of 50?
Favored | Worthy | Humble | A Warrior | Caring |
Disciplined | Fabulous | Fun | Free | Impressive |
Productive | Creative | Confident | Discerning | Valuable |
Grateful | Gentle | Healthy | Happy | Truthful |
Positive | Patient | Hospitable | Powerful | Successful |
Loved | Passionate | An Inventor | An Employer | Gifted |
Exciting | Focused | Beautiful | Brilliant | Protected |
Exceptional | Unique | Effective | Relevant | Faithful |
Dependable | Kind | Giving | Talented | Wealthy |
Youthful | Thankful | Wise | Loving | Elegant |